Is Blockchain an Evolution or The End of The Legal System?
Scepticism about blockchain tech is understandable due to the sensitivity of the data treated and the loud compromise of judicial authority
Liechtenstein : Union Bank & crypto CHF
The bank located in Liechtenstein is about to launch the "Union Bank payment coin". The latter in line with the local financial regulators will create in the coming months a stable corner backed by the motto of its border country: the Swiss Confederation.
Union Bank Aktiengesellschaft (AG)
Union Bank AG is a Liechtenstein-based bank based in the country's capital, Vaduz. Small...
Strategic partnership for a trusted digital asset ecosystem
Deutsche Börse, Swisscom and Sygnum enter into strategic partnership to build a trusted digital asset ecosystem. Core elements of new ecosystem to provide issuance, custody, access to liquidity and banking services leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology. The partnership is strengthened through cross-shareholdings in key components of the ecosystem.
Advantages and Challenges of Digital Green Certificates
A Digital Green Certificate is a document that proves that a person: a) has been vaccinated against Covid-19; or b) has tested negative in the last couple of days; or c) has already recovered from the infection.
How Blockchain is disrupting identity management
In the digital space, the need for a digital identity becomes stronger and stronger as the technology progresses. Here, governments are no longer responsible for the authentication in the majority of the cases, but private companies such as Facebook or Google act as third party identity providers for many digital services.
Blockchain Foundations for the Agro-food sector
The hard-hitting theme of environmental sustainability and food waste embraces numerous aspects of our economic and social life involving agro-food businesses and, ultimately, consumers.
Blockpulse: EU start up 100% tokenized
Blockpulse becomes the first start-up of the union european 100% tokenized and aims to revolutionize the market for lifting capital Europe The Era of Digital Shareholding Founded in April 2018 by Thibaut Ingelaere and Marien Irzykiewicz Blockpulse has just finalized its tokenized BSA AIR fundraising, becoming the first 100% Tokenized European startup and is now preparing to initiate a revolution for the shareholding of start-ups in Europe. Democratize...
Innovation Booster 🚀 – Blockchain Nation 🇨🇭
This is your opportunity to become a blockchain entrepreneur! Are you a creative mastermind? Or do you have an idea in mind where blockchain technology could be applied and which you would like to share and further develop?
Ormera – when billing process meets Blockchain technology
How many of you remember PostFinance closely following the development of Blockchain technology? The financial services unit of Swiss Post, PostFinance, in partnership with Energie Wasser Bern (ewb) officially announced the launch of the start-up Ormera established in September. Ormera is the first permissioned Blockchain operated jointly by partners. Decentralized,
efficient and secure Does the 3 letters B4U rings a bell ? It...
Interview with Keeex Founder & CEO
Interview with Laurent Henocque, Keeex’s Founder and President. Laurent Henocque is the CEO and Founder of Keeex. The company provides solutions for documents and data securing but as well eIDAS compliant electronic signatures, GDPR proof of consent, Blockchain traceability and smart contracts. The company addresses the current challenge of corporate and financial communication, use of documents for transport in global supply chain...