Here’s the Current Blockchain Landscape in Switzerland

Swiss Blockchain Landscape Crypto Infos
How does the Blockchain Landscape look like in Switzerland in 2021? The current blockchain landscape in Switzerland has presented many opportunities. Everyone wins within the Swiss blockchain ecosystem.  In this landscape, the Swiss have shown their resilience in adapting to emerging trends.  They have proven yet again that they can keep abreast of events regardless of the times in one word:...

Blockchain and the future of social networks

This article highlights the benefits of implementing blockchain technology in the future of social networks. It will review as well one of the latest case regarding Telegram. Despite the big talks about a more ethical and beneficial use of social media networks, which is able to curb offensive and violent content, the real benefits of introducing Blockchain and other decentralised...

LexisNexis & Blockbid Partnership

The American company focused on legal-commercial research and risk management services based on Big Data analyzes, LexisNexis, is partnering with the Australian exchange Blockbid. At the end of February 2018, the parent company of LexisNexis Risk Solutions, RELX Group, acquired ThreatMetrix for more than $ 800 million USD. Also of Australian origin, ThreatMetrix provides companies with SaaS-Software as a Service...

Three ways Blockchain could contribute to social good

Blockchain Social Good
Bitcoin and crypto in general, have seen a lot of bad press. In particular related to extreme energy consumption from mining. Some articles have even suggested the digital currency growth could have a negative impact on the environment. Large energy consumption and mining are serious issues. Yet, the press hasn’t discussed much of the positive angles of Blockchain technology...

Blockchain and Scalability – What solution does Layer 2 offer?

Blockchain Scalability
Security, scalability, and decentralization are known in the blockchain world as one of the most challenging trilemmas to solve. But what exactly is "Scalability" and how does it relate to Layer 1 solution? To answer this question, this article will review the sections below: Decentralization by natureScalability: a matter of logistics How to combine security, scalability and decentralization?The multiple layers structure as a...

What are Smart Contracts? (Part II)

Smart contracts Explained
What are Smart Contracts? Our first introduction of the smart contract analysis highlighted the absence of a clear definition that marks the difference and boundary with other related concepts of the crypto-cosmos, including the complementarity with Artificial Intelligence (AI).  Fewer questions arise though regarding benefits and costs savings: the simple fact that one copy is distributed to all parties and...

The Internet Computer – An overview and introduction

The Internet Computer (IC) is the fastest general-purpose blockchain for Web3 dapps, DeFi, games, NFTs, social media, and metaverse projects.

How Blockchain is disrupting identity management

In the digital space, the need for a digital identity becomes stronger and stronger as the technology progresses. Here, governments are no longer responsible for the authentication in the majority of the cases, but private companies such as Facebook or Google act as third party identity providers for many digital services.

Ukraine: 1st attempt at E-Voting

NEM announced that The Central Election Commission of Ukraine (CEC - Центральна виборча комісія) had made a first experiment concerning the possible uses of its own blockchain for regional and national elections. NEM platform meets Ukraine It seems that e-voting is currently on the rise these days; it is now the turn of the buffer state chaired by Petro Poroshenko, Ukraine. A bit more than a dozen...

Interview with Epresspack Founder

Interview with Antoun Sfeir, Epresspack's Founder and President.Antoun Sfeir is the CEO and Founder of Epresspack, a content management software solutions that improves the strategy of international brands and their public-relations agencies to manage, publish and distribute their communication content. The company addresses the current challenge of marketing and communication professionals to manage the engagement of multiple...