Atomic Swaps
Atomic swaps utilize blockchain smart contracts technology in order to facilitate the exchange of one form of cryptocurrency for another. This is done without using a centralized entity, such as an exchange.
Blockchain jobs are on a hype
A research from the job agency revealed an increase of 90% in blockchain jobs postings in 2018 and 4000% for the past 3 years in the USA. Companies around the world are seeing a future full of Blockchain applications. Yet, a strong correlation still exists between cryptocurrency job opportunities and the recent crash of digital assets. Big four consulting...
Ormera – when billing process meets Blockchain technology
How many of you remember PostFinance closely following the development of Blockchain technology? The financial services unit of Swiss Post, PostFinance, in partnership with Energie Wasser Bern (ewb) officially announced the launch of the start-up Ormera established in September. Ormera is the first permissioned Blockchain operated jointly by partners. Decentralized,
efficient and secure Does the 3 letters B4U rings a bell ? It...
The World’s First Share Dispenser
For the first time in the history of finance, it is now possible to obtain shares of a corporation directly via its website. No tough registration process nor other preconditions. Thanks to blockchain technology, a share can be simply bought by sending Cryptofrancs to a piece of code, a smart contract. The smart contract will, in turn, dispenses shares...
Blockpulse: EU start up 100% tokenized
Blockpulse becomes the first start-up of the union european 100% tokenized and aims to revolutionize the market for lifting capital Europe The Era of Digital Shareholding Founded in April 2018 by Thibaut Ingelaere and Marien Irzykiewicz Blockpulse has just finalized its tokenized BSA AIR fundraising, becoming the first 100% Tokenized European startup and is now preparing to initiate a revolution for the shareholding of start-ups in Europe. Democratize...