What are Smart Contracts? A short introduction
Smart Contracts are commonly known as computer programs that run automatically, without the need for human intervention or AI to perform a huge variety of activities.
Exploring Blockchain and its main legal challenges
The main scepticism is explained by the fact that the processes that allow Blockchain technology to be implemented often differ greatly from how most financial activities operate because they do not conform to current legal structures and create legislative gaps.
Is Blockchain an Evolution or The End of The Legal System?
Scepticism about blockchain tech is understandable due to the sensitivity of the data treated and the loud compromise of judicial authority
Innovation Booster 🚀 – Blockchain Nation 🇨🇭
This is your opportunity to become a blockchain entrepreneur! Are you a creative mastermind? Or do you have an idea in mind where blockchain technology could be applied and which you would like to share and further develop?
Advantages and Challenges of Digital Green Certificates
A Digital Green Certificate is a document that proves that a person: a) has been vaccinated against Covid-19; or b) has tested negative in the last couple of days; or c) has already recovered from the infection.
Blockchain Foundations for the Agro-food sector
The hard-hitting theme of environmental sustainability and food waste embraces numerous aspects of our economic and social life involving agro-food businesses and, ultimately, consumers.
Blockchain APIs – a buzzword or a game changer for companies?
Blockchain APIs are increasingly being used by developers (and you can onboard a blockchain API agency or developer if you don’t have the resource in-house) to support owned programmes or connect with others through the network. API’s are nothing new and we know how they can be implemented but when it comes to cryptocurrency, blockchain API’s will provide companies with a number of benefits.
Here’s the Current Blockchain Landscape in Switzerland
How does the Blockchain Landscape look like in Switzerland in 2021? The current blockchain landscape in Switzerland has presented many opportunities. Everyone wins within the Swiss blockchain ecosystem. In this landscape, the Swiss have shown their resilience in adapting to emerging trends. They have proven yet again that they can keep abreast of events regardless of the times in one word:...
Blockchain and the future of social networks
This article highlights the benefits of implementing blockchain technology in the future of social networks. It will review as well one of the latest case regarding Telegram. Despite the big talks about a more ethical and beneficial use of social media networks, which is able to curb offensive and violent content, the real benefits of introducing Blockchain and other decentralised...
Can a Blockchain – based voting system actually work?
Voting from a computer or smartphone sounds certainly convenient and fascinating. An increase in turnout and the comfort of working from home is a strong incentive for its strong development in the future. But can a blockchain based voting system work? Unfortunately, studies have shown that it may not. Since it is still seen with suspiciousness, this leads to less turnout...