Three ways Blockchain could contribute to social good
Bitcoin and crypto in general, have seen a lot of bad press. In particular related to extreme energy consumption from mining. Some articles have even suggested the digital currency growth could have a negative impact on the environment. Large energy consumption and mining are serious issues. Yet, the press hasn’t discussed much of the positive angles of Blockchain technology...
Swisscom TV launches a blockchain-based art gallery
Major Swiss telco company Swisscom launches a new Swiss app: NOOW. Pieces of art from hand-picked artist will be available exclusively on Swisscom TV through a Blockchain-based system. Once again, Swisscom position itself as one of the pioneer enterprise on the Blockchain sphere. After having established a strong ecosystem and partnership with several companies, it is time for the art...
LVMH, Consensys and Microsoft: visionary supply chain with Blockchain
In June, the permissioned blockchain tracking the production of the entire LVMH group will be launched. Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior will open the way. LVMH, the luxury brand conglomerate, owner of brands such as Louis Vuitton, Christian Dior and Dom Pérignon is about to launch the first permissioned consortium blockchain platform to track and certify luxury goods. The platform has...
What is R3 in the Blockchain space? A review
R3 is a distributed ledger technology company leading a consortium of more than 200 firms. A vast majority of them gear their activities towards the R&D of distributed ledger usage. The company aims at disrupting the financial system and other areas of commerce. R3 has is headquarters in NYC and was founded in 2014 by David E Rutter; the...
Decentralized digital identity solution: NEO & Swisscom Blockchain
The project that will bring SSI to reality: Swisscom Blockchain presented its Self Sovereign Identity solution at the 2019 NEO DevCon
How Blockchain is disrupting identity management
In the digital space, the need for a digital identity becomes stronger and stronger as the technology progresses. Here, governments are no longer responsible for the authentication in the majority of the cases, but private companies such as Facebook or Google act as third party identity providers for many digital services.
Atomic Swaps
Atomic swaps utilize blockchain smart contracts technology in order to facilitate the exchange of one form of cryptocurrency for another. This is done without using a centralized entity, such as an exchange.
Strategic partnership for a trusted digital asset ecosystem
Deutsche Börse, Swisscom and Sygnum enter into strategic partnership to build a trusted digital asset ecosystem. Core elements of new ecosystem to provide issuance, custody, access to liquidity and banking services leveraging Distributed Ledger Technology. The partnership is strengthened through cross-shareholdings in key components of the ecosystem.
The World’s First Share Dispenser
For the first time in the history of finance, it is now possible to obtain shares of a corporation directly via its website. No tough registration process nor other preconditions. Thanks to blockchain technology, a share can be simply bought by sending Cryptofrancs to a piece of code, a smart contract. The smart contract will, in turn, dispenses shares...
4th ICO / STO Report
A Strategic Perspective , Report Insights. Review ICO / STO Facts & Figures In 2018, over 1’132 ICOs / STOs have happened successfully, which is twice as much as in 2017 (total of 552). Besides, the total amount raised has nearly tripled to almost USD 20Bio compared to 2017 (total of USD 7Bio).. However, two unicorn ICOs (EOS USD 4.1bn & Telegram...