KYC: 68% of exchanges do not meet standards

Previously cited in the article LexisNexis & Blockbid Partnership, KYC and AML formalities are in the line of sight of international regulators. However, it appears that only 32% of cryptos exchanges meet the guidelines. This is a study of the company P.A.I.D in partnership with Mitek, a technology provider for identity verification, which advances this low ratio. The obligatory KYC...

Iran: cryptocurrency may be back

Crypto Infos Iran
The Iranian Central Bank decides to lift the bans on cryptocurrencies by next month. This approach opens the way for new regulations for the latter in the country. Opening the same file once again: cryptocurrency Shortly before the summer, the currency of Nakamoto and all these derivatives had experienced strong moments in the Persian Gulf and more particularly in the country...

South Korea: Bitcoin classified as a financial asset

After Russia last summer and Ukraine last October, it is now the turn for South Korea to qualify Bitcoin as a financial asset. South Korea and Bitcoin, a tumultuous love story. At the beginning of the year, a wave of panic had blown not only on the crypto community but more especially cryptocurrencies' price. Also called 'The Bitcoin Country', South Korea...

Iran: in the footsteps of the Venezuelan Petro

Crypto Infos Iran
Penalties, hardening and bilateral relations between the United States and Iran have been steadily worsening over the last two years. The economic sanctions now weighing on the country of Hassan Rouhani could, in addition, have a negative impact on the economy of this country - OPEC's second largest oil producer - slowing global growth. Nevertheless, this diplomatic failure allows a...

Russia: “Cryptoassets are not a threat to financial stability”

President of Russia's Central Bank doesn't want to call cryptocurrencies by their names. Elvira Nabiullina prefers the nickname "Cryptos-Things".  Last month, Elvira Nabiullina was at the recent annual international economic forum in St. Petersburg when she used this new wording. The report released on May 30 supports the statement that the volume of transactions is very small. So small...

Libra – or how Facebook plans to empower billions of people

Faceboook Libra
Libra is in the spotlight. Everyone is talking and speculating about it. Do we even know what it entails? Are we ready for such financial and societal change? Ca-Libra Financial exclusion is still significantly high worldwide. The World Bank highlights in Financial Inclusion on the Rise, But Gaps Remain, Global Findex Database Shows a research paper from 2018, that approximately...

Bitmain: investment of US $ 500 million

The mastodonte Bitmain has announced its intention via a press release to create a blockchain data processing center and a Texas-based bitcoin mining site for $ 500 million as part of its expansion into the United States. Bitmain, unstoppable Nearly half a billion is the equivalent of last year's nominal GDP of Comoros, islands in the Indian Ocean, in northern Mozambique....

Switzerland: cryptocurrencies accepted in a 2nd Bank

Falcon Bank & Maerki Baumann
Maerki Baumann, a Zurich-based private bank, announced that it will manage the cryptoassets of its customers. In Switzerland, it is the second private bank to take this step forward. Maerki Baumann & Falcon bank Previously mentioned in one of our last articles, Switzerland, or more precisely some Swiss financial institutions, seemed to pout when crypto startups knocked on their door to...

I Vow To Thee, My True King Bitcoin

BTC is King
The above references an opinion and is for information purposes only.  It is not intended to be investment advice.  Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice. The following article is a macro view of the cryptocurrency market. Altcoins will continue their path into a steady, slow and painful death.Mainly because they were indeed in a bubble. However, Bitcoin will...

There is no more illegal activity in Bitcoin than in cash.

Some had doubts about it, others were more suspicious on this topic, but eventually, it is official. A former US federal prosecutor announced this summer during the international Money 20/20 conference taking place in the Netherlands: "many more crimes" were perpetrated via the use of fiat currencies and not with cryptocurrencies. This former District Attorney for Western Pennsylvania, elected by the Senate...