Given the impact of Ethereum on the evolution of blockchain since its creation in 2015, it is difficult to imagine today what it would look like this and most cryptocurrency without the invention of Buterin.
Ethereum X Google
The term “Ethereum” has appeared in more than 110 million Google searches over the last two years, according to ConsenSys, a US company active in Blockchain technology, and on average “#ethereum” has been tweeted 20,000 times each day.
With nearly 17,000 active nodes on five continents, this makes it the most decentralized Blockchain platform with 35 million unique addresses. So far, nearly 250 million transactions registered. At the beginning of the year, Ethereum set a new record of 1.3 million transactions in a single day.
Smart contracts are its strong point being recognized as innovative and dynamic technological tools. Nearly 95% of the tokens created are ERC-20; they themselves are responsible for the staggering $ 5.5 billion in 2017 and $ 6.5 billion for the first quarter of 2018.
The Ethereum community is surely the largest Blockchain developer community with approximately 250000 active members. In addition, more than one million users have downloaded the Metamask extension to run distributed applications without having to go through the Ethereum node.
A wide panel including foundations, organizations and start-ups joined this alliance and thus benefit from the ecosystem offered. Governments interested in disruptive technology and the use of Blockchain have by far preferred to use it rather than another.
These include Brazil wishing to organize petitions on the Blockchain Ethereum, or Canada setting up a system in which citizens will have access to information on the use of government subsidies. The canton of Zug in Switzerland, for its part, offers digital citizen identifications recorded on Ethereum; the Blockchain in Chile allows real-time monitoring of energy network data. To finish this non-exhaustive list of projects, the city of Dubai is currently preparing to become one of the first fully interconnected cities via the Blockchain by 2020.